Creative Chemistry with CoScine

Use Your Morning Coffee to Teach Quantum Numbers

Season 1 Episode 7

Are you looking for a fun way you can teach quantum numbers? One that requires nearly no prep on your part? This is it. We have students relate quantum numbers to a coffee mug.

Start by having students take out a sheet of paper and labeling n, l, ml, and ms along the left side. Then you'll use a coffee mug as a tangible analogy to describe the orbital the electron is in.

The best part of this lesson is when you walk around and tell students what their mug looks like and where it is. Don't forget to take a little creative license with this! ("Does your mother know you left your dirty cup in the sink for her?!")

It's interactive, engaging, and entertaining. Quantum numbers doesn't get more memorable than this.

Links mentioned that make teaching quantum numbers easy
Blog post on Quantum Coffee
Quantum Number Doodle Notes
Step by Step Quantum Number Worksheet
Quantum Numbers Charts and Diagrams
Quantum Numbers Digital Activity
FREE Quantum Numbers video